2021 White House Historical Association Johnson Christmas Ornament

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This is the Official 2021 Christmas Ornament of the White House Historical Association honoring the administration of Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963-1968.

Wanting 2022?
You can find the 2022 ornament here.

The art depicts the 1967 Official Christmas Card featuring the Christmas Tree in the Blue Room pained by Robert H. Laessig, a designer for American Greetings Card Company. Laessig painted six watercolors for the Johnson Christmas cards and gift prints, but this was the only image of the inside of the Mansion.

On the reverse side of the ornament is a quote from President Johnson as he spoke before a joint session of Congress on March 15, 1965 supporting a bill to protect voting rights of all Americans. It reads: "Our mission is at once the oldest and the most basic of this country: to right wrong and to do justice, to serve man."

The quote is decorated with Texas bluebonnets and pays homage to Mrs. Johnson's beautification projects at the White House and in the Nation's Capital.

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