The Constitution of the United States Pocket Edition ENGLISH

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The Constitution was finalized and signed by 39 individuals on September 17, 1787, the day we now celebrate as “Constitution Day.” The Constitution outlines how our national government is supposed to operate and lays out the responsibilities and restrictions of that government. It also specifies rights guaranteed to each American, rights that need to be understood by all. Take time to read the Constitution. The Pocket Edition of the original Constitution of the United States is a handy tool to study the document This special edition copy of The Constitution of the United States that has been proofed word for word against the original Constitution housed in the Archives in Washington, D.C. It is identical in spelling, capitalization and punctuation. This 52-page pocket sized booklet contains The Constitution of the United States (including The Bill of Rights and Amendments 11-27) and The Declaration of Independence. On the front cover there is a picture of George Washington holding a quill in his hand, inviting each of us to pledge our commitment to The Constitution of the United States.
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